The Internet: Societal Progress or Our Own Demise

With information available at our fingertips, the amount of information that we encounter every day, significantly surpasses any generation before us. If we manage to absorb this information, we are still tasked with analyzing it and interpreting it. While this seems pretty effortless and relatively benign, we can’t always predict the effect certain information will have on us. There was a correlation found between the severity of ADHD symptoms, namely inattention, and the amount of time spent on the internet

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360° Feedback Process

The 360° Feedback Process or Multi-Source Feedback is a process through which employees are assessed based on their immediate work circle– their subordinates, peers, supervisors, and themselves. This type of feedback represents a multi-perspective view of an employee’s skills, performance, and areas of improvement. The 360° Feedback Process can offer valuable insight and information into the job performance of an employee.

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